Tuesday, December 4, 2012

north face jackets for women and found that the mountain there is a ravine and steep mountains.

 high Tang Shibing, in Sebastian Village near southern border attack thirty thousand soldiers, and the sea bitter Shajiao landing twenty-seven thousand people, most of them are receive commands cucumber dish is cold, but in order to ensure close coordination of the two armies, the flexor my teeth and his staff officers boarded the Lok Creek flagship First entrusted with the task of place a mile north of the landing area and they can not be found here flexor I
?Teeth in few in number, and retreat to the mainland soon stop firing. landing troops in the morning to see this terrible terrain where the terrain is too complicated, and that you can not expand the troops. squad climbed the shore ridge, and found that the mountain there is a ravine and steep mountains.
Qu Wu the teeth and Lok Creek where waves mistaken the sea bitter Shajiao the water too fast, this region is not suitable for night landing, the result was furnished with a small amount of vigilance forces and shore fire guns,north face jackets for women, so the flexor my teeth and Lok Creek in the morning to hear the enemy shelling a few loud after, when the when landing troops rushed to the beach becomes dumb.
The flexor my teeth have the offensive sea bitter the Shajiao the tactical command of the grant Cao Yi, he will direct command of the main force of about 3,000 people in the three hundred paces wide beach landing beach is Sebastian Village east, codenamed A Beach At the same time, a total of 10 battalions (five thousand) troops A beach two wings of B, C, D and E beach landi

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